I use Microsoft Frontpage and need to add Google custome search code

Asked by:
tours59 / 5 Points
2012-05-21 5:04 am EST
Registrations And Transfers
Google asked me to put the code into the custom Search. How can I do this?

Paste this code in the page where you'd like the Custom Search element to appear. Note: For the most cross-browser compatibility, it is recommended that your HTML pages use a supported doctype such as . CSS hover effects require a supported doctype.

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1,846 Points
2012-05-21 3:46 pm EST
Hi tours59,

It sounds like you are wanting to incorporate a custom Google search feature on your website. They will give you the code needed to add this search box to your website, and you simply need to add the code to your website.

I looked at your website, and it appears you are using Microsoft FrontPage to create your website.

  1. You need to determine where in your site you want the search bar to appear
  2. You then need to add the code that google provided to you.
  3. Finally, you'll need to republish your website.

1. Is tours59.com the website you are referring to?

2. Did you build the website, or did someone else do it? If someone else built the site, do you have access to the code?

If you're having any trouble, let us know which step above you're stuck at, and we'll do our best to assist further. You can post any follow up questions at the bottom of this page in the comments.

- Brad

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