Issue setting up a website on Addon Domain

Asked by:
ideosph5 / 13 Points
2011-11-15 2:35 am EST
Registrations And Transfers
I want to add another domain to my main one (ideosphere-design) for a website ready to get uploaded which is

I have filled in the form on your website (following the steps to add another domain) and launched the application.

Since then at any time i want to start setting up my website in the AMP, and choose in the quick links panel, there a loading icone that never stops. It has been 4 days now.

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Best answer chosen by Web Hosting Hub staff


1,846 Points
2011-11-15 2:49 am EST
Hi ideosph5,

I'm very sorry to hear of the issue that you're having within AMP. I will forward this to our development team, and I will get back with you shortly.

1. Have you setup the domain name as an addon domain yet within your cPanel?

2. Do you know what software you would like to use for your new domain?

I'm more than happy to assist further while our development team reviews the AMP issue further.

- Brad

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