Should I renew my domain before transferring it

Asked by:
megha / 5 Points
2012-03-28 4:35 pm EST
Registrations And Transfers

Given, I get this message, because my domain is expiring on Apr 7th:

Domain is within 14 days of expiration - you must renew with current registrar

Would you recommend I wait till it expires and buy the domain from you? If yes, will there be a down time kind of, between it going off GoDaddy's radar and being available with you?

Or like you suggest I could renew with my current registrar GoDaddy again.

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Best answer chosen by Web Hosting Hub staff


13,688 Points
2012-03-28 4:47 pm EST
Hello megha,

When a domain is within 2 weeks of expiring, your will want to renew the domain with the current registrar, then initiate the transfer of the domain. If you let the domain expire, it is usually quite some time before the domain can actually be registered by a different registrar (due to grace periods and redemption). You also run the risk of someone else registering your domain once it becomes available again. It is best practice to renew the domain with your current registrar and then initiate the domain transfer. You will not loose anything by doing this since when the domain transfers to our management your domain registration will be extended by an additional year.

Please let us know if you have any additional questions or need further assistance.


Christi N.

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