Special pricing for multiple domain transfers

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2013-12-20 12:47 pm EST
Registrations And Transfers
I just applied a hosting service (felizthehome.com) in your company, and I am satified the service and the speed, I have serval domains that was hosted in other company, I want to transfer to here too, I hope you company can offer some bundle package that I can transfer all the domains to here,

I have only little knowlege about the server, if I have a PHP website (qqplace.com) want to transfer to here, is there anyone can help me to do that,
that website is owned by me but not built by me, I dont want to check the user guide about the installation of the php software and the mysql things,, I hope you have some experts can help me to transfer that. I am happy to pay extra for the service.

and i have another website (sasasupply.com ) that website is for the picture hosting for my on line shop in ebay, is the transfering of files can be done inside the control panel ? this website have only picture there, no html there, but I dont want the downtime of transfering affect my sell in ebay, so I want to ask more before I do that,

hope my english can make you understand : )

some domains is not ever hosted and launch, but I want to keep it,
there is around 8-10 domains was kept in godaddy.com , if I transfer those domains to here, can I save some money

best regards
Cheung ka Fai

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2,342 Points
2013-12-20 5:27 pm EST
Unfortunately, there are not any special deals for domain registrations and each will be billed at $11.99 per year, per domain. With your existing plan, you may host as many domains as you like with us, regardless of if the domain registration is here or with your current registrar by pointing the nameservers if you would rather do that.

Regarding the transfer of your files, you would simply need to obtain your files from your previous host, and upload them here. We have an excellent tutorial on transferring your content to our servers as well which you may reference for further assistance.

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