transfer to another registrar

Asked by:
jdes01 / 15 Points
2012-11-06 2:06 pm EST
Registrations And Transfers
I need to transfer my ndd to another registrar.
Can you send me the authorization code
to inituer transfer.
Thank you

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2,132 Points
2012-11-06 5:35 pm EST
Thank you for your question jdes01!

In order to transfer your domain from Web Hosting Hubs registrar, we will need to release the Management Rights for the domain to you. At that time you can log in at Melbourne IT and get the EPP/AUTH code to transfer your domain.

Please contact support either by chat, phone (1-877-595-4482 ext 2), or by email ( and let us know the domain you want to have released to your control. Please verify the account with tech support by including the last 4 of the credit card number or the current AMP password and we can give you control ASAP.

Best Regards

James R

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