Waiting on Set-up for my website

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2016-03-26 9:23 pm EST
Registrations And Transfers
Hi put in an order about an hour ago domain name coshare.guru

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16,266 Points
2016-03-28 3:10 pm EST

Thank you for your question on setup for your website. Once the order has been received, our Confirmations team will reach out. This is usually attempted within 30 minutes of placing the order, though it can be slightly longer if they are busy. They are contacted in the order received. You can also reach out directly if you would like by contacting the Live Confirmations team.

I do see they reached out to you and your account is now set up. Be sure to let us know if you have any questions while building your site!

Kindest Regards,
Scott M

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