Changing my email address on Webmail account

Asked by:
tpd005 / 5 Points
2013-02-20 12:19 am EST
Roundcube Webmail
I have a Webmail account for my business and I need to change my email address. The person it was assigned to has left the business.

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3,713 Points
2013-02-20 12:27 am EST
Hello tpd005, and thank you for your question.

You can simply remove the e-mail account from the server if it's no longer needed at all. This can be done from your cPanel by simply clicking on Email accounts under the Mail section, and then clicking on Delete beside the email address you no longer want.

Then you can create a new email account in cPanel with the correct address you'd like to use.

If it's possible that there could still be important email coming into the email account you're thinking about getting rid of, you might be interested in removing the physical email account from the server, and then create an email forwarder to forward mail from that address onto your new account.

Please let us know if you had any other questions at all.

- Jacob

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