
Asked by:
clives5 / 73 Points
2013-01-04 6:25 am EST
Roundcube Webmail
I've just enabled SpamAssassin for my account, but I don't notice anything different in my email. Do I have to do something else?

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17,314 Points
2013-01-04 7:32 am EST
Hello Clives5,

Part of the problem is that when I look at the source for your Contact Form for your website, your email address is in the source code. This makes it vulnerable to bots that are basically LOOKING for email addresses to spam. Additionally, your contact form doesn't use a CAPTCHA (or ReCaptcha) verification system that prevents automated bots from hitting your form and sending spam THROUGH the form itself. This means that you are basically going to get a lot of spam because one, your email address is public, and two, the form can be hit by robots that will also send you spam through the form.

So, even though you may have SpamAssassin (or most any spam filtering) you're going to see spam getting through because it just piles up from that point, unfortunately. However, there are a few things that you can do to help get it under control. First, if you're going to have a form for contact - use a Captcha or ReCaptcha to verify that a human is responding, instead of a bot. Here's an article for using CAPTCHA:

Using Captcha

You can also obfuscate your email address (hide your email address) so that it can't be found by spambots. Checkout this webpage - it provides you a definition for this practice and actually helps to hide your email address:

Obfuscate Email Address on Web page

If you do this, you will reduce the spam hitting your site over a period of time. And probably more immediately if you change the email address (which isn't always an option). You can also change your SpamAssassin settings to make them more aggressive, but then they run the chance of marking legitimate email as spam as well. This is a pretty tough problem, as spam is an international nuisance, but definitely start with getting your email and form protected on your website, so that spambots stop hitting your site. Please try these steps first. If it's really bad, you can also set up an account (for free) with Gmail that provides automatic filtering services with their email accounts which is very good. Here's an article on setting up email with Gmail:

Using the Gmail client

If you have any further questions, please contact technical support or leave a comment at the bottom of the page.


Arnel C.

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