Errors on Contact page email links

Asked by:
FlyLight / 8 Points
2012-03-27 1:46 am EST
Send Email From A Page
<div>When I test the contact page link for email, Windows Live Mail opens up asking me for my sign-in information for my personal Hotmail address. If I input the requested password, another window pops up which includes error message(s) including the following: Unable to send or receive messages for the Hotmail (allies2) account. Subject 'Contact / Feedback' Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x8DE20007 Does this have to do with Hotmail being my default email service? Also, when I send a TEST email from to, I have no idea where it goes. I do not receive it at my address. Have I configured something incorrectly with Web Hosting Hub account or my website pages? I intended all emails from to be forwarded to To replicate the problem, I can click on the "contact" or "email" links on the Contact or Home pages. The error message on the Windows Live Mail pop-up window after requesting the password reads: "Some errors occurred while processing the requested tasks. Please review the list of errors below. Then it is followed by these "error codes": ID 0x80004004 and 0x8DE20007. I'm using the Plesk "premium" web site builder.</div>

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13,688 Points
2012-03-27 3:19 pm EST
Hi FlyLight,

Thank you for your questions about your email links and your email forwarding. Currently on your Home and Contact pages you have an email link to send emails to When you click on an email link it brings up your default email client to send an email from. From what you described, it sounds like you have Windows Live Mail set as your default email client (with set as the default account). While I'm not able to troubleshoot errors with Hotmail, I did find this information from Microsoft that should be helpful:

Windows Live Mail error 0x8DE20007

I sent you a test email by clicking on the link on your Contact page, so your email link is working as expected. Because an email link depends on the settings of each user who clicks on it, I would recommend instead of an email link, that you use a Feedback form in the Premium Website Builder. The feedback from will not require the visitor to use their email client in order to send you a message.

In order to forward emails from to, you can set up a forwarder for that email address in your cPanel account.

If you have any additional questions or need further assistance, please feel free to contact us.


Christi N.

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