Softaculous SquirrelMail install

Asked by:
nakie / 10 Points
2012-12-02 9:30 pm EST
Squirrelmail Webmail
I installed SquirreMail via Softaculous. I would like to add the Calendar plugin. The documentation states I need to run the file from the command line.

Is there a way to set configure my SquirrelMail install without command line access?

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12,339 Points
2012-12-03 6:38 pm EST
Hello nakie,

Thank you for your question. In the folder you installed squirrel mail in, there is a config folder. Open the config folder and you will see the file.

You can edit this file using FTP, or File manager in cPanel.

If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below.
Thank you,


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