How do I use the Shared SSL with Joomla?

Asked by:
Vogrod55 / 8 Points
2014-04-04 5:03 pm EST
How do I install Joomla to use the Shared SSL? If I run the install script, and choose protocol for https: I receive message “A trusted SSL Certificate was not found.“ It would seem I need to have the install at the Shared Secure Server, but the script automatically uses my domain name.

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12,339 Points
2014-04-04 5:53 pm EST
Hello Vogrod55,

Thank you for your question. Here is a helpful link to our guide on How to use your Shared SSL.

If your site is redirecting back to your domain name, most likely you have to change the URL in the Joomla settings, to the secure address.

Here is a link to a walk-through guide I found via Google search, on changing the URL of Joomla.

If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below.
Thank you,


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Thanks. Changing the URL of the Joomla after install worked. I wasn't sure if the value should include the whole secure site including the https: identifier, but it worked with the https: included.
8 Points

2014-04-04 8:56 pm EST
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