How do I verify that my Dedicated SSL is working?

Asked by:
Halyn / 38 Points
2012-12-06 11:46 pm EST
I recently purchased a Dedicated SSL for Before I did I disabled domain privacy as suggested. I think it's been around 12 hours since then so far. When I go to

1. I get messages such as the certificate is valid only for (not,

and if I proceed to "trust the site" anyway,

2. a Web Hosting Hub page with a server name appears, but with "https" being red or red with a red slash across it.

Is this to be expected during the processing of a Dedicated SSL? If so, what's the longest I should expect to wait? And when it is working, should my current default index.php file at then be viewable at as it is at the address?

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17,314 Points
2012-12-07 5:13 am EST

I noticed that you have a support ticket to fix the URL for the SSL certificate. Please allow that to complete. Typically, when you arrange for an SSL certificate, you need to wait for the message that indicates that the certificate installation has been completed. And it will indicate that DNS propagation for the change will require up to 24 hours before the URL will valid. If you have any further questions in that regard, please consult with live support. You can also find more information on SSL installations here: SSL Installation Information

If you have any further questions, please contact technical support or leave a comment at the bottom of the page.


Arnel C.

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