How to enable ssl / https in OpenCart

Asked by:
skidoohead / 5 Points
2012-03-12 5:21 am EST
I'd like to configure https on my website, could you send me some instructions?


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Best answer chosen by Web Hosting Hub staff


1,846 Points
2012-03-12 4:21 pm EST
Hi Bryan,

When working with SSL, there are two general steps.

Step 1. Obtain an SSL Certificate.

When using SSL, you have the option to use either a Shared SSL Certificate or a Dedicated SSL Certificate. You'll want to learn the difference between Shared and Dedicated SSL. If you want to use Shared SSL, log into AMP and review your technical details to determine your Shared SSL URL. If you decided to use Dedicated SSL, then you can purchase a Dedicated SSL Certificate.

Step 2. Configure your software to use SSL

I looked at your website and it appears you're using OpenCart. To setup SSL in OpenCart:

1. Log into the OpenCart Dashboard
2. Go to System > Settings
3. Click on the Server tab
4. Check the radio button to use SSL
5. Log into cPanel and go to File Manager
6. Navigate to your OpenCart installation
7. Go to the “Admin” folder
8. Open the configuration file
9. Edit the HTTPS settings in the file to reflect your SSL URL path. Typically, you'll need to add an 's' to HTTP:// to make it HTTPS://
10. Save changes
11. Go to the “Catalog” folder
12. Open the configuration file
13. Edit the HTTPS settings in the file to reflect your SSL URL path. Typically, you'll need to add an 's' to HTTP:// to make it HTTPS://
14. Save changes

Be sure to test your website after making these changes. If you run into any questions, feel free to post a comment at the bottom of this page and we'll be more than happy to assist further.

- Brad

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