SSL Certification Using Certbot and Let's Encrypt

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2016-10-02 7:50 am EST
Hello, i'm trying to get a third party SSL set up in SSH but unfortunately I can't seem to do that on Webhosting hub, or I'm going about it the wrong way. If anyone could, post information on how to get Certbot installed?

All the best.

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361 Points
2016-10-03 2:43 pm EST
Good morning,

Thanks for your question about Let's Encrypt and CertBot. Currently, Web Hosting Hub's servers are not set up to use Let's Encrypt. Installing it via SSH requires root access privileges to the server which is not allowed in a shared hosting environment.

I hope this helps!


Tim S

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Please add this. Chrome is going to SSL only soon-ish as I am sure multiple other sites will. Let's Encrypt is the only free option available. I am pricing other hosting platforms for my websites because I dont want to spend another $125 on something I can get built in a free somewhere else.
9 Points

2017-07-04 12:56 am EST
All of our accounts now include a Free SSL issued by Comodo. This free SSL will autorenew yearly by default.

Thank you,
12,339 Points
2018-02-12 8:00 pm EST
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