Add format painter to toolbar

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2017-05-22 11:15 pm EST
I'm using Parallels Plesk Sitebuilder for Linux/Unix
Product version
4.5.0 Hotfix-20110711 (2011071115) and want to copy the formatting on some text and apply it to new text. How do I do that?
Also, I have several pages. Is there a way to search all pages?

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16,266 Points
2017-05-22 11:21 pm EST

Thank you for your question about SiteBuilder and formatting its text. If you are using the sitebuilder through Web Hosting Hub, then you are logged into a different server that contains the design tool. That is where you will need to edit the pages. While you can copy the text, I do not believe it copies the formatting (font, size, weight, etc). You would need to simply duplicate that wherever you want it to display.

Kindest Regards,
Scott M

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