Active WP Theme in Use and Boldgrid Staging

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2019-07-23 5:44 pm EST
Website Design
Hi, If my site is already active/published with a WP theme that is not a BoldGrid Inspiration, can 1) I try out an Inspiration(s) in Boldgrid Staging without deactivating the active WP theme and website, and 2) then migrate Inspiration Staging to Active?

I installed Boldgrid, but I'm not sure if the directions provided were clear on that course of action. FYI - I backed up my directories yesterday before installing it.

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12,339 Points
2019-07-25 7:51 pm EST

Thank you for your question regarding the use of BoldGrid Staging. Since the Staging plugin is being phased out, we instead recommend using BoldGrid Cloud WordPress.

Use Cloud WordPress to test plugins, themes, and customizations without changing your production site. When you’re finished, you can demo or migrate your changes to another site, or delete the Cloud WordPress installation rapidly.

Thank you,

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