Editing site built with RV Sitebuilder

Asked by:
RPS092112 / 20 Points
2012-09-28 8:30 pm EST
Website Design
I transferred from another hosting company, and they used RV Sitebuilder, which is how I constructed my sites. I see that software is not on WHH. How do I edit my sites or do I have to start over?


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17,314 Points
2012-09-28 8:48 pm EST
Hello RPS092112,

I tried to take a look at your account but there seems to be no associated hosting account, so I wasn't able to confirm that you had any website files from your previous host. IF you were able to transfer the files, then you should be able to edit the files manually in code. If you are not familiar with that or the files never transferred over, then it would be advisable to start over.

I did a little research on RV Site Builder and it does appear that you have the ability to export their files. However, you would have to modify the files by hand using a file editor opening the files in a text editor locally on your computer.

If you have any further questions, please contact technical support or leave a comment at the bottom of the page.


Arnel C.

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