Embed SimpleViewer and site home page

Asked by:
Jujululu / 11 Points
2012-03-22 6:02 pm EST
Website Design
I am using simple viewer as a gallery. I have it embedded in a div in design.html

So why is the simple viewer showing up as my main page and not inside the div on design.html?

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Best answer chosen by Web Hosting Hub staff


13,688 Points
2012-03-22 6:25 pm EST
Hello Jujululu,

I'm sorry you're having trouble integrating SimpleViewer with your website. By default, the server shows pages named index (index.html, index.htm, or index.php) before showing any other pages. This is called the Directory Index. Currently, your index.html file consists of the embed code for SimpleViewer so that is what shows when you go to your temporary URL (since your domain isn't currently pointed to our Nameservers).

SimpleViewer Code

While checking into this, I noticed that the embed code for SimpleViewer in index.html is not the same as the SimpleViewer code in Design.html. I would recommend replacing the SimpleViewer code in Design.html with the SImpleViewer code from index.html.

Your Site's Default Home Page

I see a file named home.html that I think is what you want to show instead of the index page. Once you have moved the code from index.html over to Design.html, you can either edit index.html to match home.html or place the following directive in your .htaccess file:

DirectoryIndex home.html

Please let us know if you have any questions or need any further assistance.


Christi N.

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