How to create a custom template for Presetashop?

Asked by:
ysapak / 5 Points
2012-10-21 1:24 pm EST
Website Design
Hi, I am using PrestaShop and I want to know
1. How I can Create a custom Template for it?
2. Is there any option to upgrade it automatically? like in diff. forums there is an option to upgrade, and with just a single click that is updated.

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16,266 Points
2012-10-22 4:38 pm EST
Hello ysapak,

1. How I can Create a custom Template for it?
PrestaShop templates are designed by using a program named Smarty. You can learn about this tool at

2. Is there any option to upgrade it automatically? like in diff. forums there is an option to upgrade, and with just a single click that is updated.
There is an auto upgrade module that you can install in the PrestaShop. This should help you upgrade the the newer 1.5 version.

Best Regards,
Scott M

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2023-04-13 10:20 am EST
Hi Ysapak,
The easiest way for you would be to buy a template offered by the wide community of Prestashop developers. The majority of them are adaptable and offer quite a lot of great features. You would be then able to adapt it and in the worst case, you could ask them to develop a specific feature for your website. You normally benefit from 1-year of support buying these templates.
To answer the second question, as Prestashop is not a cloud-based solution, you would have to acquire a template that then, is progressively improved by the developer. Independently from the template, you will have to upload new versions of the Prestashop solution to fix//improve the solution.
You can check templates such as the one developed by Prestashop Partners to make sure you benefit from the best solutions:
We personally have been working with the solution for 9 years now and sell some of the most popular templates on the Addons Marketplace.
Hope this will be able to help you,

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