Embedding audio to a website

Asked by:
MtKuile / 41 Points
2013-09-13 8:35 pm EST
Website Design
I store sound files in my WebHostingHub file system. Clients can retrieve these sound file names from my MySQL database hosted by you. If a client clicks on any of these sound file names, I would like them to hear the sound stored in such file via a music player. I understand that music player should sit on your servers in order for the client to hear anything from the sound file. Do you indeed have a music player on your servers so we can make this work for my clients?

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2,342 Points
2013-09-13 9:44 pm EST
While there is not a specific functionality installed on the servers which will allow you to process and transcode audio files, you can embed audio which will play within the user's browser if they have some kind of audio player installed there. While we would prefer that a service that is more tailored to music streaming such as Soundcloud, the following article will help you with embedding any audio or video files that you have uploaded to our servers.

How to Embed Audio/Video on your Website

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