I Cannot Find What Am Looking In Cpanel

Asked by:
seibemguite@gmail.com / 5 Points
2017-02-02 3:56 am EST
Website Design
I wanna Modify this but i cannot find out in cPanel

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PLease Help me..!!

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I am Not A Professional Web Devloper
5 Points
2017-02-02 03:58 am EST
Since it seems you are using "Cubecart" you may be able to log into an "Admin" or "Dashboard" section and edit this page.

Since your site is not hosted on our servers, we are unable to access anything to investigate. Unfortunately, the steps will differ based on how your site was created/designed. If your problems persist, you may want to consult the person that created your site.

Thank you,
12,339 Points
2017-02-02 06:21 pm EST



17,314 Points
2017-02-02 4:15 am EST

Sorry for the issues with your website. Editing this information requires that you find the file associated with this part of your website and open it in a text editor. You can see how to access the files using the file manager: Using the File manager in cPanel. Editing website code is generally considered outside the scope of technical support.

If you have any further questions, please let us know.

Kindest regards,
Arnel C.

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