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I want to stream live video on my website.

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2015-01-15 11:23 am EST
Website Design
I have a fishing resort and I want to stream live video of the lake so people know current conditions. We are in the mountains and have a slow internet connection.

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12,339 Points
2015-01-15 6:14 pm EST

Thank you for your question. Usually on a shared hosting server like ours, you wouldn't want to actually set the streaming feed up directly on the server itself, as this can lead to a large amount of server CPU usage over the course of the day.

Some webcam software will also allow you to setup the video stream locally on your own computer, and then provide you with HTML code to embed it into your website.

In most cases though you can use a webcam streaming service to stream video live from your webcam to that service, then most of them provide a way for you to embed that video into your website. Essentially your webpage would load from our server, but then the visitor would be streaming the video feed itself from that webcam streaming service.

Some popular video streaming services are Youtube, and Ustream.

If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below.

Thank you,

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