Problem using IE10

Asked by:
tommajor / 8 Points
2013-03-19 5:11 pm EST
Website Design
I was using IE9 and Drupal to build my site. When I upgraded it IE10 and go in to edit my sites pages, instead of seeing my page I see a very small window in the upper left corner with the html code but no page view. I would attach a screen snapshot but I don't see that option here.

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2,132 Points
2013-03-19 8:14 pm EST
Thank you for your question tommajor!

Sorry for the trouble in your builder with IE 10. You can use compatability mode to get IE 10 to work properly in the Builder. See the following screen shot.

Unfortunately, there is no other fix for this except switching to compatibility mode.

Best regards,
James R

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