What plan do web developers use?

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2016-05-24 3:43 pm EST
Website Design
I've gotten quite good at customizing wordpress themes, now i'm thinking of doing it for money. So is there a way of setting up a site on here, letting a client in to view it, but not have control over it, then if they like and pay i then sign the account over to them, or is there a standard way of doing such things?

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1,348 Points
2016-05-24 4:09 pm EST

Thank you for contacting us about development packages. This depends on how you would prefer to operate your business. You have develop sites/themes in a testing environment and then ask if your customers would like to pay to have you manage a hosting plan for their site.

Or, you could start with a Nitro plan, in which you can have unlimited sites and databases for WordPress (as long as you register all the domains you want to use).

Christopher M.

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