What type of template do I need? Do you offer standard ones I can cust

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2015-10-22 2:53 am EST
Website Design
I'm thinking of switching my multiple hosting accounts to you from Hostgator. Do you offer a video background template similar to one of these 2 websites allowing me to use my own video, that also uses RESPONSIVE technology for mobile viewing. Or is a large background video player inserted. Seems if yes, it would take too long to start page video,
1. http://www.fullsail.edu/
2. https://www.paypal.com/home

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17,314 Points
2015-10-22 3:06 am EST

Thanks for the question about video templates.We don't have a specific template for video, but there are multiple FREE solutions for building websites that will typically offer free responsive themes/templates for video use. One of the normal solutions for this is WordPress. WordPress does not embed a video player. It's built into the software at this point. So, if you have a video, you simply add it to the media library and then add it to the post. However, if you're talking about a very large and long video, then I would highly recommend a streaming service like Youtube, or using a CDN (Content Distribution Network) service such as what Amazon provides. The two example websites you cited are large corporate sites and most likely use a CDN in addition to dedicated servers. You will not get the same thing in low-priced shared hosting options.

I hope this helps to answer your question, please let us know if you require any further assistance.

Arnel C.

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