Where are the templates?

Asked by:
Jerryjw / 5 Points
2012-11-17 11:26 pm EST
Website Design
I have built a webpage before with templates, but I am a novice. This is confusing!!!When it says to start here to create a website it takes you to a sales page. That should take you to a simple page where the templates are stored. I have been on here an hour and haven't found HOW to get started.
I will keep trying for a little while longer and then.....

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12,339 Points
2012-11-19 5:44 pm EST
Hello Jerryjw,

Thank you for your question regarding templates. It sounds like you were using the Builder.

Here is a link to our getting started guide found here in the support center titled Building your First Website - Premium Website Builder 101.

I also see you contacted support and they were able to assist you.

If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below.
Thank you,


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