Why won't the banner on my personal design template load a different picture?

Asked by:
SKS2012 / 5 Points
2012-07-19 8:16 pm EST
Website Design
I have chosen a personal design template (ID- eug 26) but want to change the picture on the banner. When I choose my picture, it loads my picture as the top half of the banner with the original picture as the bottom half of the banner. How do I get my picture to take up the whole banner and fit into the design?

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17,314 Points
2012-07-19 8:58 pm EST
Hello SKS2012,

You can actually view this article:

Banner Help

It will tell you how to size your picture for the banner.

The banner can also be mannually changed, you just need to work with the actual files that are being published and then change them to match your needs. Some of the templates (like this one) break-up the images so that when a website is showing on a 24" screen, the website can stretch out and the banner area "stretches" without a break in the look. In order to modify this image you need to get familiar with the banner pieces. The makers of the template broke up the graphic in several pieces. When your Builder site is published, the files are placed in the IMAGES folder. In order to FULLY modify the banner, you will need to obtain those files, and then modify them match the banner image that you want to use. Firefox does a great job of listing these files for you. If you're using Firefox, you cannot only get a list of the files you need to change, but you can also determine the size of the files that you will be working with. To see this list, you simply open the website page, right click on the page and then go to VIEW PAGE INFO. This will give you a menu option of MEDIA. When you click on it,you get a list of ALL the graphics on the page. It will also PREVIEW the graphic for you, so you know what it is. If you do this, you can quickly determine which files you need to edit in order to fully change the banner. IMPORTANT NOTE: This is all done OUTSIDE of the Builder tool. Not in it. Therefore, once you begin to make changes to the graphics, you should be sure to save a copy of the files somewhere NOT within the same folder. That way, if you should need to re-publish the website, you can change the graphics once again by copying the files over. Re-publishing with the Builder will overwrite the changes that you make with the banner.

You will also need a graphics tool - like Adobe Photoshop or something else that can manipulate graphic files so that you can make the banner look seamless when changed. There are free alternatives if you do not have a graphic program on hand. I'm going to list the steps to get all of the files that you need to edit:

1) Login to Cpanel administrator
2) Go to the File Manager (select Home Directory, then select GO); you can also use FTP if have access to an FTP client.

3) download the files that you need to edit from the IMAGES folder

4) Alter them to the image you want to use.

5) After the alterations are finished and save, upload them back to the server. Make sure that NONE OF THE NAMES for the files have changed!

Your custom banner will then be available for your website. You will need to clear cache in order see the edited banner.

If you require further instruction on this issue, please either contact Technical support or post another comment at the bottom of the page.

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