WordPress and previewing site with the Under Consruction page active.

Asked by:
RaynaKaufman / 5 Points
2014-12-19 2:34 pm EST
Website Design
I recently downloaded WordPress to build my site. I am fairly new at this and I figured out how to add the Under construction page. When I am working in WordPress, which is happening slowly, I can't view the page, because it always comes up with the Under Construction page. I want to preview it before I make it live. I am sure it's an easy fix, but I am not finding it. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks! Rayna

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12,339 Points
2014-12-19 5:17 pm EST
Hello RaynaKaufman,

Thank you for contacting us about previewing your WordPress site before going live. A good method is to Password Protect the entire site, then turn maintenance mode off.

The site will only be visible to people, after logging in with a username/password. This allows you to work on the site privately, then remove the password protection when the site is ready to go live.

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