301 Redirects

Asked by:
westweeks / 13 Points
2013-03-31 11:18 pm EST
Website Troubleshooting
I am trying to redirect a webpage from one add-on domain to another add-on domain. I used the 301 Redirect tool in the CPanel, about 12 hours ago.

The redirect appears to be redirecting to the original page and not to the new page. I checked that here:


So, is this because 301 redirects do not happen right away? If so, how long before the redirect actually works?

The old "from" page is


and the new "to" page is


Thanks Scott but that did not work, it still goes to the old page. I have refreshed and still see the old page.

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16,266 Points
2013-04-01 6:26 pm EST
Hello westweeks,

The redirects should take place immediately. There are times, particularly when using WordPress, that newer redirects do not get read and work as they should.

In this case, you will want to edit the .htaccess file for the domain and move the code for the redirect from the bottom to the top. Then the redirect will be read first and should activate.

I did this for your referenced redirect and it is now redirecting as it should. Please let us know if you have any further issues.

Best Regards,
Scott M

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