406 Not Acceptable error

Asked by:
johnharrell / 5 Points
2012-01-21 10:37 am EST
Website Troubleshooting
So i have been working on a wordpress site for a little while now. I was testing some php ftp web based programs to allow some of my clients to access files for download as well as upload files. I never found one I was happy with so i finally gave up and trashed all of the files/folders/etc. So I then went to view the site and just work on some basic info on the site. I entered my normal url, and got the front page of the site. Then I tried to get into the /wp-admin section and got an error about an unexpected '}' in wp-admin.php which i haven't touched. Looked through the files some and went back to try wp-admin again and got a 406. Kept trying and just wouldn't work. Then went back to my normal home url and got a 406 on it. So I searched some and read about some "mod security" stuff, and tried a few things and then got my normal url kinda working but it seemed like the css wasn't working and possibly some other codes. So I took out some modified code to my htaccess file and re-uploaded that and then I got the 406 again. So searched some more, then decided to go into my ftp client and look through the files and now my ftp client times out when trying to connect. Can't get into cpanel, and everything on the site just times out.

No idea how to get into the site at all!!!!

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Best answer chosen by Web Hosting Hub staff


13,688 Points
2012-01-23 5:05 pm EST
Hello John,

I'm sorry you had trouble reaching and publishing your site. Thank you for also contacting our Support Team regarding this issue. As outlined in our article What if I get a 406 Not Acceptable error message? mod_security has been disabled to resolve this issue.

Please let us know if you have any additional questions or need further assistance.


Christi N.

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