500 internal server error on ANY page served from cgi-bin; no meaningful error log entries

Asked by:
emacd / 11 Points
2013-04-18 8:45 pm EST
Website Troubleshooting
.pl, .php, .htm, and .html files generate 500 errors from my cgi-bin folder. I am experimenting with bare-bones files (1-3 lines).

The only error log messages generated are simply because the 500 error page cannot find a custom 500.html page.

I have beginner/intermediate coding skills in perl/php, but zero experience with perl module access/configuration.

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17,314 Points
2013-04-18 9:22 pm EST
Hello Emacd,

Sorry for the problem you're having. Here is a link to to our tutorial on troubleshooting 500 errors.

The main issue is that you cannot serve HTML files from cgi-bin. You can place a script in there (with execute permissions), but the HTML file itself will generate an error.

For more general information on using the CGI-BIN, check out this article: Info on cgi-bin

If you have any further questions, please contact technical support or leave a comment at the bottom of the page.


Arnel C.
Community Support

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