Already published site not updating completely

Asked by:
linniejean / 18 Points
2013-01-05 12:13 am EST
Website Troubleshooting
I published my website this past summer from iweb, and it was updating fine, but now I go to publish changes, and only some changes show up, not all. For instance, some text changes show but not all. My blog overview page looks exactly the same, only showing up to September, but when I click on "archives" of that page, then it shows me the pages for December and this January (with all their photos). I don't know why they aren't showing up with the rest of the blog items in sequence on the blog page. Another example: My "about me" page shows a text change but not the photo change. Can anyone help me?

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17,314 Points
2013-01-05 12:31 am EST
Hello Linniejean,

I took a close look at your site using a Windows computer and several different browsers and also a Mac system using Safari. I'm not 100% sure, but when I look at your blog I'm immediately seeing all of the entries with January 3 at the top. It appears that you probably need to clear your browser cache. You will need to click on SAFARI (this is on a Mac) in a the menu line, select RESET SAFARI, click on REMOVE WEBSITE DATA, and then RESET. That should reload the site and you will see everything appear correctly. Web Browsers use a caching scheme (saving old pages and website data) in order to make pages appear to load quickly, but sometimes it doesn't clear and you see nothing but old pages until you remove or clear the cache. Try this first and then let us know if you're still having problems.

If you have any further questions, please contact technical support or leave a comment at the bottom of the page.


Arnel C.

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