Finding "home" in the Wp-options Table

Asked by:
CDSherlock / 130 Points
2013-09-18 3:32 am EST
Website Troubleshooting
I am working on moving a WordPress site from my local server to a live site on Web Hosting Hub and am using a set of instructions I found on a web site called ( I am at the point in the instructions which deals with changing the site URL in phpMyAdmin. The instructions read as follows:

"Now you need to change the site URL, so you can setup your live WordPress site. In your phpMyAdmin, look for the wp_options table in your database that we just imported in step 4. If you changed your database prefix, then instead of wp_options it might be {prefix}_options.

Click on the browse button next to wp_options or the link that you see in the sidebar to open the page with a list of fields within the wp_options table. Under the field options_name, you need to look for siteurl. Click the Edit Field icon which can be found at the far left at the beginning of the row.

When you click the edit field, an edit field window will appear. In the input box for option_value, you will see the URL of your local install probably something like: http://localhost/test. Carefully insert your new site url in this field, for example:

Save the field by clicking the Go button.

Next, you need to replicate this step for the option name: home. The wp_options page can be a few pages long, so simply find the home tab. Usually it is on the second page which you can navigate to by clicking on the pagination arrows in phpMyAdmin.

Update the home url to be the same as your siteurl."

I have completed the above instructions successfully up to the point where it says, "Next, you need to replicate this step for the option name: home." I can't go any further because I can't find an option name "home" from within wp_options in phpMyAdmin. I'd welcome any help anyone may be able to give me. Thanks!

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17,314 Points
2013-09-18 10:14 am EST
Hello CDSherlock,

Sorry to hear about the confusion with the database table for WordPress. Fortunately, this is probably a very easy resolution for you. When you are looking at the wp-options table in phpMyadmin, you may not realize that there are several PAGES of entries for the table. Look for the option to advance to the next page when you have the wp-options table open. If you go to the next page, you should see the "home" entry that you will not immediately see when you initially open the wp-options table. It's easy to recognize as the data for that entry will be a URL.

I hope this helps! Please let us know if you require any further assistance.

Arnel C.

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