Customer getting 501 error when trying to access my site..

Asked by:
sanity / 31 Points
2012-04-03 9:07 pm EST
Website Troubleshooting
I hope you can help me. I can't make heads or tails of the answers doing a google search..some say it is sever side some say it is browser/computer side.


The customer is using IE 9 and gets a 501 error on the home page and I have also sent her other pages to try and the same thing happens (501) Strange thing, she decided to try and "translate in Bing" and then she can SEE pages but can't make an account nor download any instant downloads that I have. (My site is done in English and she is from the states)

I have done "cross browser" checks and everything seems to be fine. So, I still think it is on her side..

Any suggestions that I can give her?

Thank you for any help you may give.


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Best answer chosen by Web Hosting Hub staff


13,688 Points
2012-04-03 9:26 pm EST
Hello Shanel,

I've only seen one other instance of a 501 error and it was related to an issue in the user's browser. I would recommend you have your customer try the following steps (per Microsoft):

1. Open Internet Explorer, click Tools and select Internet Options.
2. In Internet Options, select the Advanced tab.
3. Clear the box next to Show friendly HTTP error messages and click OK.
4. Try to view the site and reproduce the error.
5. A new, more descriptive error message should be shown and may be similar to: "HTTP version not supported by..."
6. Take note of the name of the program in the new error message.
7. This program is most likely the cause of the 501 error. Either remove that program (or browser plugin/addon) or contact the program's developer to ask them about updating or issuing a fix for the error.

While looking into this for you, I also found information that suggested to make sure that "Automatically detect settings" is enabled in Internet Explorer:

1. Open Internet Explorer, click Tools and select Internet Options.
2. Select the Connection tab.
3. Click on the LAN settings button.
4. Under Automatic configuration, check the box next to Automatically detect settings.

Please let us know if this resolves your customer's issue.


Christi N.

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