elgg installation problems

Asked by:
edan291 / 18 Points
2013-03-01 4:16 am EST
Website Troubleshooting

I've managed to get my elgg site set up on the server, and data is coming through from the DB / data root etc and most of the CSS and JS plugins are working. However, the elgg actions and the elgg core (compiled) js files are not loading. I get the following console message for about 10 of the core JS files.

"Uncaught ReferenceError: elgg is not defined"

Has anyone encountered a similar problem or know how to resolve this?


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16,266 Points
2013-03-01 6:26 pm EST
Hello edan291,

There can be a couple of different things causing the issue. First, you want to be sure you have all of the expected files, core libraries in this case. And second, you want to be sure you have the folders set to the right permissions. Our servers can error out folders and files that has a 777 permission structure for security purposes. If your program requires or recommends 777 for any file, you should be able to set it to 755 and get the same results.

Best Regards,
Scott M

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