ExtCalendar 2

Asked by:
ronwds / 5 Points
2012-12-18 8:52 pm EST
Website Troubleshooting
Installed ExtCalendar 2,
opened calendar and it shows lines of script that have been depreciated.
Is there a fix, or should I uninstall it and use something different?

Ron Woods

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16,266 Points
2012-12-18 10:00 pm EST
Hello ronwds,

The deprecated error is not really an error, but means that the items called will be removed from a future version of php. The functionality is still present in the current version.

Giving the annoyance factor if the error, I was able to make it disappear by disabling the error reporting within the calendar's folder. This does disable the error reporting for all errors in the calendar folder application, however.

Given the deprecation of certain functions, the creators of any program should rewrite their code to no longer use them, so a new version may be in store for the future of the program.

Currently, the calendar portion of your site is showing no errors, but you certainly do have the option of switching to another program if that having the errors disabled does not sit well with you.

Best Regards,
Scott M

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