Files not downloading

Asked by:
Zeratul / 8 Points
2012-04-07 4:12 am EST
Website Troubleshooting
i recently got two websites set up on my new account. everything seems to be working quite excellent, except for one thing - i have a couple pdf files on one site that are ~4MB, and a couple .mp4 files on the other that are ~20MB. if i try to download them (via direct links), it downloads about the first 250k, and then crashes. other pdf files (under 1mb) work fine.

ive tried a couple different browsers (IE, FF, and Chrome, latest versions), and gotten the same result. it's like the file starts to download, and then if it isnt done in about 15 sec, it aborts.

with the mp4 files, if i just open them in the browser (chrome will auto-play them, rather than downloading) it will stream the whole movie, so the file isnt corrupted or anything.

i checked the error log, and it doesnt show any errors at all, and the access log shows that the files were accessed.

any ideas?

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Best answer chosen by User


13,688 Points
2012-04-09 3:52 pm EST
Hi Zeratul,

I'm sorry you're having trouble downloading your files. I was not able to recreate this issue. I downloaded one of your video files (48MB) without any issues. When you say that "it downloads about the first 250k, and then crashes" can you tell us if you receive any error messages? If so, can you give us the exact error messages you are seeing?

This could be due to a connection issue between you and the server (especially since we are not able to recreate the issue). Running a ping/trace test may help to identify if this is a connection issue. Please send the results of that test to and update your question or add a comment below, as the docs email address is not a regularly monitored email account.


Christi N.

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