How is someone else publishing posts on my WordPress site?

Asked by:
mherald / 15 Points
2011-11-22 8:12 pm EST
Website Troubleshooting
This is my third question on the same subject - so my first question is isn't there a way to link to the first question so I don't have to keep explaining over and over?

My site has been given the 'green light' from my security service as far as malware, I've removed most of the plugins as a result of running Exploit Scanner (which I now understand may have been false positives), and yet nothing has changed from when I started ... someone continues to slip into my blog and publish articles. I was asked in the last reply to provide the date and time of the most recent article and you would see if you could backtrack from your end - that is easy.

11/22 - 12:15am
You Can Dunk

11/21 - 10:31 ... darn , don't know if this one was am or pm
Dunk a Basketball Now

11/18 - 5:46 pm
Dunk Your Basketball

I've managed to put a wall up to keep these from getting to my subscribers or on Facebook, but they are showing up on Google - also the last two articles appeared on my Twitter feed this morning.

Look forward to hearing from you.

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Best answer chosen by Web Hosting Hub staff


13,688 Points
2011-11-22 8:17 pm EST
UPDATE: This issue was caused by settings in the WordPress dashboard. Under General Settings if membership is set to "Anyone can register" and the New User Default Role is set to either Editor or Author then anyone can register for and publish articles to the site.

Hi mherald,

Once again, I'm sorry you're going through this, I know this can be frustrating. Feel free to simply comment on your question in order to update it, you do not need to submit a new question each time.

Thank you for providing this information. We will look into this for you to see if anyone has been accessing your dashboard.

We will be back in touch as soon as we have more information.

Thank you for your patience.

Christi N.

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