I am now getting an error 42 - invalid netmask value

Asked by:
ebohatch / 21 Points
2011-09-27 2:12 pm EST
Website Troubleshooting
Tues morn Sep 27 Yesterday morning my sites were restored and functioning.
But 1 site eibconsult.com as of last night was getting an error 42 - invalid netmask value

There is nothing I can do about this, please look into is asap.

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Best answer chosen by Web Hosting Hub staff


Timothy S.
741 Points
2011-09-27 4:49 pm EST
Hi ebohatch,

Thanks for posting a question. I'm sorry you are having issues with your website. I'm more than happy to assist you.

Have you recently installed plugins or changed a template? I've been able to re-produce the error however, I'm not familiar with the specific error your site is producing.

I have noticed a few different issues. It seems if I go to any page that does not exist than it throws the same error. I have checked the server errors logs and do not see anything in the error log as well.

You may want to login to your Joomla administrator section and check your settings. Also, you may want to turn off any plugins to see if that restores functionality.

I know this is not the answer you wanted to hear. Any more information you can provide would be greatly appreicated.

If you need further assistance please feel free to contact us.

thank you!

Tim S.

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