I uploaded my website and still see the under construction page

Asked by:
cflintdesign / 5 Points
2011-12-19 5:23 pm EST
Website Troubleshooting
When I enter the URL for my site (http://www.cflintdesign.com), I get a page that says the website is under construction. I have had my website up for months now, and this has never happened. It should redirect to the page http://www.cflintdesign.com/Home.html, which it used to do. I am using iWeb to design the site. How can I fix this?

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13,688 Points
2011-12-19 5:33 pm EST
Hello cflintdesign@gmail.com,

I'm sorry you're having trouble with your website. By default our servers will look for and load index.htm, then index.html, and finally index.php. This is called the Directory Index. When your account is first created, we also place a default.htm file (the "under construction" page) in your account that will load if no index files are found.

You can easily modify your Directory Index so that Home.html is loaded instead of this default page. Please see the "Changing the directory index" section of the following article for step-by-step instructions on how to change your Directory Index:

What Directory should I Upload my Files to?

Please let us know if you have any additional questions or need further assistance.


Christi N.

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