Korean characters as ????

Asked by:
minal / 5 Points
2011-09-18 8:37 am EST
Website Troubleshooting
I have a database and two tables set with utf8_general_ci containing Korean characters. The web page is also set to display text in UTF-8 encoding. PHP script displays korean characters as question marks ????

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Best answer chosen by Web Hosting Hub staff


1,846 Points
2011-09-18 5:21 pm EST
Hi minal,

If everything else is set correctly, I would try commenting out the default_charset value in you php.ini file. If my memory serves my correctly, that should do the trick. You may also need to use the suPHP_ConfigPath setting in your .htaccess file to make your php.ini file recursive. More information on this can be found in our How do I Update my Local PHP Settings? article.

If this doesn't work, feel free to post in the comments the URL to the page with the issue, and I'll be more than happy to look into this further for you.

- Brad

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