My website not loading on Apple products - blank screen appears

Asked by:
whsculpture / 19 Points
2013-02-26 8:09 am EST
Website Troubleshooting
Four of my friends with Apple Macs, iphones and ipads, are unable to load my website. A blank screen appears instead of my website. Have I done something wrong? Wordpress is supposed to work on any platform as per the Support comment found on another question.

"All of the programs and software available with our services runs off of our servers. What this means as that you run WordPress, the Premium Site Builder, or any of the other programs from any computer that has a browser (including Mac / Windows / Linux)."

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17,314 Points
2013-02-26 10:07 am EST
Hello Whsculpture,

If they have loaded your site in the past, and you have moved it or updated it recently, then most likely they need to clear their cache. Your website works fine - I checked it on my Apple Macbook Pro. Here's a screenshot: Whsculpture website

I also tested multiple pages on the website and I couldn't get it to fail (running Safari).

Wordpress and Premium Site Builder are programs that run on Linux - which means they run directly on the web server. The pages that are generated from these programs are made to work in Web Browsers using web-based languages like HTML or PHP. This means that ANY computer operating system that can interpret web pages will be able to see the website pages generated from these programs.

If the website is not coming up on those systems, then it is not related to the output from these servers, since I have been able to view your website with an Apple computer. We need more detail about how they're accessing the web, what operating system, browser, and any other detail that we could get in order to troubleshoot the issue.

If you have any further questions, please contact technical support or leave a comment at the bottom of the page.


Arnel C.

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