Paypal connection fail

Asked by:
breadb5 / 37 Points
2013-02-23 12:07 am EST
Website Troubleshooting
Dear Sirs

I received an order confirmed by email via via using Paypal

I had not yet tested the system, but by the email received, it seems to work normaly. Now I saw in the Paypal account that no payment was done.

Please help to correct the mistake


Fernando Teixeira

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3,713 Points
2013-02-23 12:42 am EST
Hello Fernando, and thanks for your question.

I attempted to place a test order via your site. After attempting to purchase an item on your website it says "Thank you for your order. We will contact you to deliver your purchase."

Then in another window PayPal is loaded with the item I chose added to the cart, and a place for me to type in my credit card information.

If you're getting an email from the system that an order was placed, that doesn't necessarily mean that the user finalized the order on PayPal, and they might have closed their browser. You could login to your PayPal account and send them a payment request to see if they were still interested in purchasing the product.

You might want to try placing a test order yourself and see if you're seeing the same thing, and if you complete the order if it actually goes all the way through. Unfortunately if they're having issues paying for the product once on PayPal's site this wouldn't be on our server so something we wouldn't have control over.

Please let us know if you continue to experience issues.

- Jacob

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