Hello atef81,
You don't need to change any coding of any of your files in the
/counter directory, if things continue to work with the
output_buffering turned
off for that folder.
You generally don't need the
output_buffering option turned on, and it's
off on the server by default. But it is necessary for some scripts in order to function properly.
It looks like you had a
/public_html/php.ini file, and also already had
set your php.ini file recursive.
In that
/public_html/php.ini file you had the entry
output_buffering = On, and because it was recursive because of the
.htaccess rules, it was also carrying down to your
/counter folder causing the issues you first reported.
Placing another
php.ini file inside of the
/counter folder overrides the one from the
/public_html directory, fixing the problem in this case.
Typically you don't want to set the
output_buffering setting to
On, but rather a limited value such as
4096, this is mentioned in the
PHP.net output_buffering documentation.
You might also want to be careful about loading large files through PHP instead of providing a direct link to a large file instead. You can
monitor your CPU usage to make sure your PHP scripts aren't causing any issues with this.
- Jacob