Podcast hosting - iTunes procedure??

Asked by:
gsapio5 / 10 Points
2013-04-28 4:26 pm EST
Website Troubleshooting
I am trying to establish a connection between iTunes and my mp3 files that I would like to podcast. I have my files and my .xml file in a created folder in my directory. However when I ask iTunes to find it by entering in a url, there are no mp3 or xml files listed. Either the directory listing I've given is incorrect or I have put the files in the wrong place to be found. Has anyone had experience with this? Any help would be greatly appreciated!!


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16,266 Points
2013-04-29 5:24 pm EST
Hello gsapio5,

Although do not yet have experience in setting up this type of structure with itunes, we do see you have a directory under your root folder for the podcasts. Simply give itunes that folder (example.com/podcastfolder) and you should see the content.

I do notice you have a folder of the same name in your home folder, above your public_html folder. That one is empty. You may want to delete that one to eliminate any confusion.

Best Regards,
Scott M

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Okay, so I eliminated the extra folder, moved all files, mp3 and osos.xml, into a folder under "home" called "podcasts" and fed the url www.gsapio.com/podcasts/osos.xml to itunes. itunes still cannot find the files. PLEASE help! Thank you!
3 Points

2013-05-19 11:24 pm EST
I looked at the file location and it is correct. I checked the xml file and it appears the xml was generated by "mso-application progid="Word.Document"". Make sure the XML file code is the correct type for the iTunes to connect to. Unfortunately, there is now way for us to replicate the error from our end. What is the exact error you are getting?
2,132 Points
2013-05-20 6:53 pm EST
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