Procedure for hosting a podcast feed for iTunes

Asked by:
gsapio5 / 10 Points
2013-04-28 1:25 am EST
Website Troubleshooting
I am trying to construct an RSS/.xml file in order to have iTunes find my podcast files on my server. So far I have been unsuccessful.

I *think* my xml file is filled out correctly; my question is where in my file structure do I upload my mp3 and xml files and what would the url of these files be? I need to give iTunes a url to read my mp3s.

I have looked in support for a file to answer this, but no luck so far. Can you help?

Thank you!
George Sapio

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16,266 Points
2013-04-29 4:44 pm EST
Hello gsapio5,

You can place your xml and mp3 files wherever you want within your domain structure. For example, if you have all of your mp3s in a folder named 'mp3' the URL will be: You will just need to be sure you give that specific URL to itunes.

It seems the XML can be placed anywhere as well. It is normal to either place it in the root directory for your website or under an appropriately named folder such as 'podcast'.

Best Regards,
Scott M

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