RE: Backup Buddy won't back up

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2016-02-12 9:02 pm EST
Website Troubleshooting
Every day I receive an email from Backup Buddy advising me that an attempted backup has timed out. Here is a copy of the message:

"An error occurred with BackupBuddy v6.4.0.16 on Fri, 12 Feb 16 02:02:23 +0000 for the site Error details:

Scheduled BackupBuddy backup `/home/elenar7/public_html/wp-content/uploads/backupbuddy_backups/` started `2 days` ago likely timed out. The remote transfer step appears to have timed out. Try turning on chunking in the destination settings to break up the file transfer into multiple steps. Select "View recently sent files" on the Remote Destinations page to find this backup and view its log details and/or manually create a backup to test for problems."

Can you help? I don't know what is causing this.

Many thanks,

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1,198 Points
2016-02-12 9:07 pm EST
Hello Irene,

Thank you for your question on WordPress backups. I apologize that this is happening to you, it may be possible that your website is too large? Have you tried modifying the settings like it described in the error?

Try turning on chunking in the destination settings to break up the file transfer into multiple steps. Select "View recently sent files" on the Remote Destinations page to find this backup and view its log details and/or manually create a backup to test for problems.

Best Regards,
TJ Edens

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