Unable to see website because of Password Protected Directory

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2015-01-04 7:36 am EST
Website Troubleshooting
When I try and go to the site, it requires a login. I wanted to set up an under construction page and be able to see the site as I am making changes to it, but having anyone else see that page. I have deactivated the plugins for the coming soon page and it still is requiring a login. I think I might have changed something and do not remember what I did.

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17,314 Points
2015-01-05 6:14 pm EST

Sorry to hear that you're having problems with the login to the site. It appears that you have password protected a directory within your account. In this case, it looks like you specifically protected the root directory which is "public_html". You will need to go into your cPanel, click on Password Protect Directories, click on public_html in the folder list and uncheck the "Password protect this directory" option.

I hope this helps to answer your question, please let us know if you require any further assistance.

Kindest regards,
Arnel C.

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