webdav for extra payment?

Asked by:
Rus_Brain / 38 Points
2013-01-15 3:16 am EST
Website Troubleshooting
Dear Support Team,

I was trying to launch webdav sync via OwnCloud at my shared hosting and failed. Googling tech support a bit I found that webdav is simply prohibited on webhostinghub.

It is quite understandable for me, as unlimited hosting should have some processor limitations and stuff, though is it anyhow possible to ask for an exception at additional cost?

Please trust webdav will only be used for family file sharing purposes and in good manner.

Kindest regards,

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17,314 Points
2013-01-15 3:25 am EST
Hello Rus_Brain,

Unfortunately, that feature is disabled and not available through the Web Hosting Hub interface. It cannot be added to the accounts for various reasons including the one you have listed. Our apologies for the inconvenience.

If you have any further questions, please contact technical support or leave a comment at the bottom of the page.


Arnel C.

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