Website not loading and missing favicon

Asked by:
easyonthetush1 / 14 Points
2013-06-10 10:31 pm EST
Website Troubleshooting
If you go to my homepage ( it says there is a 500 error. When checking out the error log in my cPanel, it tells me that my public html directory is missing the favicon.ico file. When I went and uploaded the favicon.ico file (using the article in the support center) it still is giving me the error. Any ideas as to what is wrong?

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2,132 Points
2013-06-10 11:44 pm EST
Hello easyonthetush!

The errors must be old because when I go into your cpanel I do not see them. I checked the location of your favicon and its correct. I just get a blank screen when going to your site. Where do you get the 500 error at?

James R

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I get the 500 error when using Chrome. Using another browser results in just a blank screen. No major changes have been made the the site, which was working just fine 2 days ago. So I have no idea what is wrong.
14 Points

2013-06-11 12:09 am EST
Also, it seems that it only affects certain pages. If you go to this page: everything comes up fine.
14 Points

2013-06-11 12:34 am EST
Hello Easyonthetush,

Sorry to hear you're having problems with this issue on your ZenCart site. It appears this problem stems from an error that started being noted by the ZenCarts error logs on Jun 7. The error logs show this and can found here: /cache/myDEBUG-1370656212-81742.log (this is one example). I think (not positive) that your language file was changed. It appears to be in a British English. The error appears to be directly related to that language file. If you can change the language BACK to default (US English), then you will most likely eliminate the error that you're seeing. By the way, the FAVICON icon error, is fairly common problem with ZenCart. Fixing it for this application will not be the same as what you're seeing in the general favicon article instructions. This is due to the templates involved with ZenCart. Check out this article:

Help with Favicon. Look for the post by Davewest - it shows the paths where you can find the icon. In your case it would be:


I hope this helps to clarify the issue! Sorry for the problems! Please let us know if you require any further assistance.


Arnel C.
17,314 Points
2013-06-11 5:41 am EST
Thank you Arnelc! I guess when my husband made some changes to the index file it somehow changed the language settings, but he followed your advice and everything seems to be working fine now! Thank you again!
14 Points

2013-06-11 10:08 pm EST
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